
Creativity, spontaneity, ever ethereal energy... Vata

Each one of us has a unique combination of all three doshas within us.  What makes each of us different from each other is in what amounts these doshas compose our person.  The questionnaire in the last blog was only the first glance at identifying the layers of you.  Today I thought I would cover some information on a classic Vata personality and body type.  Please keep in mind that I will be speaking in generalities, and that this applies to the majority of predominantly Vata types.

A Vata dominant person is composed of the elements air and ether, or space.  This person typically has a smaller body frame.  They are most content "up in the clouds", blissfully content in their own world.  They are very creative and imaginative, and do best in lines of work in which they can utilize these traits.  They love spontaneity, unpredictability, and uninhibited freedom.  They are prone to being disorganized, mentally and in their environment.  So caught up in the next fun moment, they may forget to eat, or drink enough fluids.  Also, their mind is always active.  These are the personalities that have the most challenge with insomnia, surviving on very little sleep.  Their skin and body in general is likely to be on the drier side.  This could manifest in dry, itchy skin, even causing cracking at its worst.  This dryness could also manifest internally, as constipation.   Their physical activity level is usually high, enjoying aerobic and higher impact types of exercise.  The life of the party, the center of the room, they feed off of other people's energy.  

As you can imagine, this high, infectious energy can run out, or get chaotic.  A wind can be gentle and soothing, fresh and invigorating, or uncontrollably even destructive.   When they go too much, too long, without stopping to ground and center, they crash.  The "air" element cannot keep going incessantly.  It needs to ground and refuel in order to continue at that high pace.  The things that a Vata person needs the most are often the things she has no interest in doing. A slow, meditative, warm yoga class.   A calm and quiet walk through a forest, without their ipod, soaking in the sights and sounds of nature.  A dedicated time to rise in the morning and to bed at night.  Set times to eat throughout the day.  Choosing nourishing foods that are hydrating and warming.  These things are very unnatural for a Vata personality, but can help tremendously helpful in creating more balance.  If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask or share!!  Next post will be on the Pitta personality.  Look out y'all, they're FIRECRACKERS!!  :)   

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